27 Jun OnePlus 5: video review
After the full-length review, I've published the last week about the OnePlus 5, I've just published a new video review for the new device! In this video, I will talk about the different shooting mode, with a photo gallery of the 1x and 2x mode, Portrait mode, Pro Mode and some night photos too!...
20 Jun OnePlus 5: photo review
I was lucky enough to be contacted et the end of April by OnePlus to be part of the shooting campaign for the new OnePlus 5. At the end of April, I received a working prototype of the OnePlus 5 and my duty was to test the camera, giving some feedback to the company and recording some nice pictures to use for the launch of the device.The focus of this review will be about the photography with One Plus 5, from a perspective of a professional photographer....
26 Oct OnePlus 3 smartphone, photo review
A professional photographer review of the OnePlus 3 smartphone. A photo review looking at the .raw capture ability of this smartphone....
26 Jan This is what a modern smartphone can do: raw dng shooting and review of the OnePlus One!
This is what a modern smartphone can do: raw DNG photography recording. In this article the review of the OnePlus One, the first OnePlus phone on the market....