Simona, victorian session with Lomography Daguerreotype lens
Posted on May 2, 2017
This time I’m sharing a bit different photo session.
Like I’ve mentioned in a previous post, I had the chance to test out for some weeks the Lomography Achromat Daguerreotype.
Is a unique lens since it mimics the same optic used by Louise Daguerre, considered the official inventor of the photography (even if we know there was also Talbot in England).
Using the Daguerreotype by Lomography is for sure something unique: the lens is solid, the construction is all in metal and brass. It’s (of course) a manual focus lens and one of the uniqueness of the product is the fixed external aperture ring.
Yes, you’ve read correctly. To use the aperture you’ve to insert the disc in the hole place on the barrel of the lens.
With this system, the results that you can achieve with the Daguerreotype by Lomography are very different: without any aperture ring, you will get a very soft pictorial effect (as I’ve shown in the previous post here). Using the discs you will get more and more sharpness.
Then you have the option to use aperture discs with shapes: in this way you can variate the bokeh in the picture and get very particular results out of your photos.
I suggest you to give a look at the other vintage lens posts I did using adaptors on the mirrorless system camera:
Model: Simona / Fashion Concept Agency
Make Up: Linda Salimbeni
Styling: Lucia Ferdinandi
Shot at Alessandro Michelazzi Studio
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