Posted on Jun 18, 2013
Here are some photos I shot with the black model Honey in Florence.
I’ve used a vintage lens from the ’60s, the excellent Pentax 50mm f/1.4 Super Takumar on a mirrorless body, the Samsung Nx -20.
To mount the lens Pentax Super Takumar you need two adapters: the first is a small ring produced by Pentax that converts the attack from the original M42 screw in a full functional Pentax K-Mount.
The second is an adapter for Samsung to adapt K-mount lens to the mirrorless body.
With these adapters then you can use the Pentax lens without problems. The aperture can be moved directly on the lens. The focus is obviously totally manual.
However, using the Pentax 50mm Super Takumar in manual focus is a joy: the focus ring is soft and precise. Furthermore, you have the possibility to zoom on the central portion of the lens to check the focused detail, thanks “OK” button on the Samsung Nx body.
The sharpness, step down a little at f/2 is excellent, as you can see from the examples below.
I’ve shot in raw and then converted the black and white images using Lightroom.
I suggest you to give a look at the other portrait photo session where I’ve used the Pentax Super Takumar on a mirrorless camera system:
Alessandro Michelazzi
Posted at 12:16h, 29 JanuaryDovrebbe esserci nel menù una opzione per dire alla macchina di scattare anche in assenza di lente. Devi infatti sapere che quando usi l’adattatore per ottiche vintage, non c’è comunicazione elettronica tra lente e corpo. Per la macchina è come se in quel momento non ci fosse alcuna lente montata sul corpo macchina.
Posted at 02:13h, 04 Septembercome faccio ad adattare un ottica analogica alla mia nx20? mi potresti aiutare? la macchina mi dice che non rileva la lente e non riesco a capire come superare questo ostacolo.. grazie