Posted on Aug 15, 2013
On this blog, the first part of photos from my trip to Russia!
This is my first time in the city of Moscow. First thing, when just arrived, I was amazed about the traffic on the roads: everyone drive really fast and there’s a lot of traffic and confusion. Some roads are calmer than the bigger road, but in general, i notice lot more traffic anarchy than in Europe. By the way my girlfriend Olya is a very good driver and I feel a bit at home in her Italian Fiat Panda car! đŸ˜‰
This year for the second year in a row during my summer trip, I decided to leave at home my heavy Canon 5D Mk2 and get only the mirrorless from Samsung, the new Nx-300. The general quality of the images is very good as you can notice from the pictures below!
  I suggest you to give a look at the other three blog post from my trip in Russia in Moscow city:
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